CRU has unrivalled data and analysis on fertilizer production costs to the individual company asset level.
The CRU Fertilizer team publishes four different cost services: the Nitrogen Cost Service, the Potash Cost Service, the Phosphate Rock Cost Service and the Phosphate Fertilizer Cost Service. The granular data sets and cost curves are produced and researched through a 'bottom up' approach, using proprietary CRU models. This allows us to break down production costs to the raw material and conversion level, with site specific details on resource costs, conversion costs, logistic costs, labour, energy and sustaining capital.
CRU has recently developed its new online Fertilizer Cost Analysis Tool, which allows easy and dynamic access to this cost data online. Watch the video below for an example of the power of this tool.
CRU Fertilizer Cost Analysis Tool
CRU's comprehensive cost modelling allows us to analyse critical production cost trends in the fertilizer market highlighted by this recent insight on Understanding the Chinese cost floor.
Click here for more information on CRU's Fertilizer Cost Services